The Fascination called Life

Have you ever wondered the purpose for life and how it originated?
I amaze myself almost everyday thinking about that. U may have scientific explanations called the Big bang Theory or even the Darwin's theory of evolution. But still, the very thing called "Life" is a fascination and a mystery. I recently read Dan Brown's "Angels & Demons". In that, the Camerlengo used to say," Science shatters God's world into smaller and smaller pieces in quest of meaning...and all it finds is more questions." How true!!! Science may even give very meaningful explanations to everything. But it just spoils the beauty of nature. Even the rainbow, one of the most beautiful natural wonders, has a simple explanation of dispersion. Science is such. It is the white light. Nature is the prism which enjoys the beauty in it!.
Coming back to life. What is our purpose in this world? Everyday we make considerable advancements in every field. But what for? Did we inherit the earth? I don't think so. We have just borrowed it. Every aspect of life is fascinating. Is there a parallel Universe? Is there a race superior to humans?, which looks down lamely upon us, just like the way we are proud to be "Six sensed" and "Superior" to all the fellow creatures inhabiting the earth. We'll never get answers for all these. Even the mighty "Science" has proven ineffective in answering these age-old questions. The only way for the human race to continue dwelling in the wonderful place called Earth, is to start enjoying their infinitesimal time on earth, rather than worrying about the explanations and reasons behind everything. Don’t be ignorant. Also don't be too well informed. Both are dangerous for survival.


