The above sight is one of a kind in the world. -The LTTE cemetery. The world will never again see an organisation so badacious, insurgent and stalwart like the LTTE. The SriLankans are rejoicing their moment of freedom, but as a responsible Tamil, I would like to analyse the Lankan scenario right from the beginning.
Let's get a bit of history first. The dimunitive island, at the base of India was under kingdomatic rule for many years, mainly by the Sinha rulers, Cheras, Cholas, Pallavas, etc.,. The advent of Tamils into Lanka grew prominence when the Britishers decided to infiltrate the island because of its rich tea, cinnamon,rubber,sugar and coffee plantations. Thus Lanka happened to have a considerable number of Tamil inhabitants.
But within a few years of the British departure in February 1948, Sinhalese politicians were banging the drum of ethnic chauvinism. Sinhala became the island's official language and discriminatory laws affecting entry to university and the civil service alienated moderate Tamils. Their were denied education as well as basic amenities. Velupillai Prabakaran was one of the very many, who were affected by these inhuman acts. He was a revolutionary right from his school days.Unable to rein in his activistic nature, he started the LTTE in 1974, with the primary motive as the creation of a separate Tamil State in the north and east of Sri Lanka.
Prabhakaran was one of the best leaders the world has ever witnessed. A single leader commanding the entire organisation for a period of over 30 years is truly amazing. I was reading bout his leadership on a Tamil daily, and every line kept amazing me. His word had so much respect amongst his commandos. A single nod from the leader, and the entire 'black tigers' (the suicide bombing wing of the LTTE) were ready to sacrifice themselves for the cause. Before the Iraq war, LTTE had the most suicide bombing incidents recorded in entire world history.
Their modus operandi was one of the best planned. Mr.Prabhakaran was believed to have operated from Madras(now Chennai). It was here that he designed the famous LTTE crest, a roaring Tiger atop two crossed rifles and a halo of bullets set against a blood-red background. The Tiger was the cherished symbol of the Cholas.
The discipline in the LTTE camp was nonpareil. There were strict implications on the use of tobacco and alcohol. They were completely banned from their camps. All LTTE commandos were supposed to wear a cyanide vial on their necks, to use in case of capture. Celibacy was strictly practised. Prabhakaran was also a devotee of Hollywood. He watched action movies for inspiration, often using them as a training tool in Tiger camps. And he cited the Legendary Clint Eastwood as his favourite.
The Tamils were made sure to get the best of education in many foreign countries. The LTTE had members in many foreign countries including Netherlands and the UK. The foreign Tamils were the believed to be the primary source of finance for the community. An Anti-government group, to have its own ground force, Air force and navy is fascinating for many. The LTTE credits the formation of the Air Tigers air-wing to Vythialingam Sornalingam, a graduate in Aeronautical Engineering from a reputed university in India!. The LTTE's brain power was well planned out, and was unmatchable.
One of the main reasons the LTTE was branded as a major terrorist organisation in India was the Rajiv gandhi killing in 1992. Though the killing of a country's former Prime Minister can never be justified, the reason for this outrageous and infuriating act was the sudden decision of the Indian Government's IPKF to turn to attacking the LTTE when the purpose of its formation was to protect the Tamils. In an LTTE press conference, Prabhakaran said that the incident was 'tragic'.
Form the procurement of weapons, to the maintenance of secrecy and hierarchy, the LTTE almost benchmarked the standards for even a national Army. They had once run a mini-government in Kilinocchi making it as their de-facto capital, with Prabhakaran as the chief.
There are numerous disputes concerning the death of the leader. The primary reasons for doubt being his possession of an ID card, and the government's claim that he was killed when he was trying to escape in an ambulance. Prabhakaran, being such a devoted and nationalistic leader, would never have committed such a cowardly act. He refused to leave Lanka, though he had numerous opportunities for it, in times when the Lankan army surged into their territory. Aware such a daring personality, does not deter the Lankan government's mockery of his death, calling it as an escape.
Whatever might be, let's pray in unison for the well-being of the Tamils in Lanka. Our solidarity in supporting their cause, would be their only source of happiness and consolation in this dreadful phase of time. "We have sowed the seed of an ideal, we grow it by irrigating with the blood of our martyrs. This seed will grow up into a luxurious tree and make our martyr’s dreams a reality." - Velupillai Prabhakan (November 26, 1954 – May 18, 2009) RIP.