It’s been a really long time since I wrote something here, but a recent chain of events have literally kept me in point blank until I vent it out somewhere, and here I am , back to my very own place for that, the place where the dangerous mind re-invents itself!
The past one year has been very different for me, a new city, new people and a new way of life. A way of life which has clearly made me lose friends and alienate people.
Every now and then. I get reminded of the best days of my life, the days when we proudly wore the blue outfits in and across the campus of Sandwich tech. The waves of life are very dramatic in change. There I was, enjoying my life with the thundu bedis, road-side loose-boils, cutting teas, ‘project’ night-outs, it was something in the lines of Arundhati Roy’s God of small things, we literally made ultimate fun from things so ordinary, things so small..
And here I am today, with a luxurious life before me, where I have the freedom to spend my own money, the way I want, the freedom which I rarely had whilst in college. Taking 10 rupee tickets to the first day first show for movies which even the directors would think twice before watching ;), with just money enough for a interval tea and cigarette, were far more pleasing than sitting in the last rows of a high-class multiplex with popcorn and pepsi in hand. Buying 40 idlis for fifteen of us and fighting them over a single plate satisified hunger more desirably than a rich buffet dinner in a posh hotel. Having the cheapest of drinks in the stingiest of places got me to a better happy high than having a rich foreign drink in the comfy of the best bars in town. There are tons and tons of things Ill keep adding to the list. Those days were simply legendary.
Where does this change come from? In college, you spent money, here they give you loads. In college, they pressed you to keep the attendance. Here they themselves give you off days. There, no one gave you any sort of respect, you had to hear the curses of so many people in college as well as hostel, here you get so much respect(whether its true/fake, whether you deserve/ or not). All the pointers suggest that this new life ought to be more interesting and fun-filled than the prior. But to be honest, this is nothing even distantly close to the life that was! . Monday through Friday, office and back home, waiting for the stupid weekend, which will run away before you realize its arrival.
This is not the way life is meant to be. It needs to be enjoyed, explored. It doesn’t deserve to be spent before the computer doing the dumb day to day work. The corporate lifestyle is the most dangerous of all. It’s just like the pitcher plant which lures you with all it has to attract, a lumpy salary, a respectable job tag, what not. Many fall, not even realizing that they have just been trapped.
Life has strewn wonderful things for us as we move forward, and choosing a profession which is not close to your heart, will definitely make even the most wonderful of things seem cursed. There is this one golden rule, “Don’t do things just because you CAN do them, do things only if you LOVE doing them.” Life is actually very simple and elegant, it’s we who make it complicated with our foolish decisions.
The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
-Robert Frost